Fairness is the virtue that urges us to be open-minded and honest and to act justly.
A person who is fair treats others as he/she would like to be treated.

- sticks up for others who are treated unfairly
- takes turns and shares
- decided on the rules and shakes on them
- keeps an open mind and listens to all sides before judging
- acts fairly at all times, even when unsupervised by adults
- is fair with everyone
- Find out your friend's interests and choose a game you both can agree on. It makes things fairer.
- Decide on the rules before the games starts and stick by them: no changing rules midstream.
- Use "Grandma's Rule" to determine who will go first: whoever picks the game goes last.
- Play until the game ends; don't quit unless you both agree. For younger children set a timer for a specific play time and play until the buzzer goes off.
- Be supportive and complimentary to the other players. Try to praise your teammates at least twice before the game ends.
- Never complain about your own playing - or other players' playing. If you can't say anything nice, just don't say anything.
- Always end the game on a positive note with a handshake or by saying "Good game" or "Let's do it again". Then offer to help clean up and put the equipment away.