The Student Council Officers and Classroom Representatives were sworn into their offices for the 2018-2019 school year on September 27. Sanjay Geevarghese, newly elected president of the Student Council, addressed the student body with an inspiring speech.
Sajay Geevarghese, 8th Grade |
Good Afternoon, Trinity Family! It is exciting to be here together for the beginning of this school year.
Our hearts are still heavy though. We remember what we have lost as a community, our beloved Sister Catherine. She led a life of grace, gratitude, and joy and is now with our Heavenly Father. Sister Catherine is watching over us and praying for us. Her light will forever be in our hearts and we are her legacy.
I would like to take a moment to thank Mr. Wilson for coming all the way from his Florida paradise to the Maryland blizzards to lead the school that he holds most dear. We can’t give you the amazing weather you had, but we can give you the joy of our laughter.
I am humbled and honored to have been given the opportunity to serve in student council. Congratulations to all those who have been elected and to all those who participated in school-wide and homeroom elections. Each on of us as students at Trinity School has an equal voice in the student council operation. You don’t have to be elected to lead and serve. We are all called to be servant leaders at Trinity.
With the support of Mr. Doan and Mr. Bentzley, we are determined to make this the best year possible. From getting bacon flavored candy-canes suggested by Mr. Hosford, to having a McDonald’s themed dance, here at student council, anything is possible.
Seriously, we are hoping to hear from students regularly, perhaps through surveys we can do. There will be service projects on and off campus. We will have the fundraisers we always have. Think about how your experience at Trinity can be the best. When you see a student challenge or problem, I hope we can work together to solve it. When you see a fellow student in need, I know you will be a friend who steps forward to help. That’s Trinity.
For some here, Trinity has been your home since before kindergarten. I didn’t have that fortune. I joined the school in fourth grade. I didn’t know what to expect. I still remember, on my first day of school, Alex Brousseau invited me to go play on the swings. At that moment, I realized I was at home. I have been blessed with wonderful friends and classmates here. That is Trinity: a place of grace, gratitude, and joy.
We, as Sister Catherine’s children, will carry forth these virtues in every thought, word, and action each day. Let’s make her proud. Let’s have the best year at Trinity ever!!
2018-2019 Student Council |