Generosity is giving time, talent, labor, or money to others without being rewarded in return.
God loves a cheerful giver.
A generous person freely helps others, shares, shows compassion, always among the first to reach out to others in need.
St. Francis of Assisi and Blessed Mother Teresa are good examples of compassionate givers.
Ways that you can practice generosity:
- Collect homework for a classmate
- Volunteer to help at a school, church or community function
- Fill your mite box during Lent
- Help a classmate with a project
- Help with BINGO at St. Martin's on a Sunday afternoon
- Give up recess to be a rainy day aide
- Share a game or a treat with someone
- Spend time with a friend who is upset
- Give someone else a turn in a game

It is more blessed to give than to receive.
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